10 Weird Science Facts – You Never knew!

10 Weird Science Facts

  1. Bananas Are Radioactive: Bananas contain potassium-40, a radioactive isotope. But don’t worry; you’d have to eat 10 million to suffer any harm.
  2. Water Can Boil and Freeze at the Same Time: This phenomenon, known as the triple point, occurs under specific temperature and pressure conditions.
  3. Humans Share 50% of Their DNA with Bananas: Despite our differences, humans and bananas share a surprising amount of genetic material.
  4. Honey Never Spoils: Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible.
  5. You Can Hear the Difference in Hot and Cold Water: The higher viscosity of cold water creates a slightly higher-pitched sound when poured.
  6. Your Stomach Lining Replaces Itself Every Few Days: The harsh acids in your stomach would digest the lining if it didn’t renew itself regularly.
  7. Space Is Completely Silent: There’s no air in space, meaning sound waves have nothing to travel through.
  8. Octopuses Have Three Hearts: Two pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body.
  9. The Eiffel Tower Can Grow More Than Six Inches in Summer: The iron expands when it heats up, causing the tower to grow slightly.
  10. Humans Glow in the Dark: Although the light is too faint for our eyes to see, human bodies emit a tiny amount of visible light.

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