A Vietnamese-Australian man has shared a photo of his passport to prove his name really is Phuc Dat Bich after he was banned from Facebook …
Category: Strange People
WTF Wednesday: Gallery Of Crazy, Odd, Funny Pictures that will make you ask WHY!? [inpost_gallery thumb_width=”200″ thumb_height=”200″ post_id=”339″ thumb_margin_left=”0″ thumb_margin_bottom=”0″ thumb_border_radius=”2″ thumb_shadow=”0 1px 4px rgba(0, …
WTF? Love you baby momma / heffer baby cow??
Bad eyebrows – Here are some of the most disturbing eyebrows in the world. [inpost_gallery thumb_width=”200″ thumb_height=”200″ post_id=”303″ thumb_margin_left=”0″ thumb_margin_bottom=”0″ thumb_border_radius=”2″ thumb_shadow=”0 1px 4px rgba(0, …