Here is a very detailed Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings location chart. very interesting data compiled here.
Walmart Employee Caught Jerking Off By Customer!
In this video Timbergiantbigfoot captures on video what he says is a Bigfoot creature. While he does get a clear shot at whatever it is, …
Nutscaping Just Went viral Nutscaping is a photo-taking trend which involves dropping your trousers, whipping out some testicles (yours, if you have them), and gently …
REAL! BIGFOOT SIGHTING CAUGHT ON CAMERA Evidence of a BIGFOOT (Sasquatch) found and reported out of Queen Anne MD on the eastern shore bordering Tuckahoe …
7 of the strangest and most unique photos we found today – weird and interesting pics! [inpost_gallery thumb_width=”200″ thumb_height=”200″ post_id=”140″ thumb_margin_left=”0″ thumb_margin_bottom=”0″ thumb_border_radius=”2″ thumb_shadow=”0 1px …
Police are calling this a crime of the unthinkable, something that most people would never imagine doing. On Monday, police were called to a Louisiana …
Joker On Drugs and WAIT FOR IT.