Exclusive! MD BIGFOOT SIGHTING with Photos & Evidence


Evidence of a BIGFOOT (Sasquatch) found and reported out of Queen Anne MD on the eastern shore bordering Tuckahoe State Park and Dense Forest.


Our source for this evidence is Rebecca Henderson (No Pun) yes her last name is really Henderson not to be confused with the hit movie Harry and The Hendersons. Rebecca shared this story on facebook with one of our writers and content creators. After reviewing her testimony and evidence we are convinced she may have some validity to her story. She is even reluctant to share exactly where the sightings take place to keep her home safe from squatchers (people that look/hunt for the elusive Sasquatch).

Rebecca claims that on multiple occasions she has witnessed multiple Sasquatch near her home/land in Queen Anne MD. She even has evidence to back it up. Multiple photos, some showing the figures in trees and foot prints.

tuckahoe123Queen Anne MD boarders the Tuckahoe State Park which is heavily wooded and has a dense forest with plenty of water and food sources including “cover” for BIGFOOT! The Tuckahoe Sate Park has close to 4,000 Acres of land and a 60 Acre Lake and other water sources. The land also features the  Adkins Arboretum, a garden and preserve maintaining over 600 native plant species, occupies 400 acres of the park. The arboretum provides classes to the public in horticulture, ecology and natural history.

The sightings of BIGFOOT re reported boarding the State Park but we feel it is important to mention the State Park as a point of interest in this story because it would make a great habitat for a Sasquatch.

One other strange report came from this area. The military/government was planning to set up a “training facility” near or within the state park and citizens of the area lashed out and the military squashed those plans. Could it be the government know s something is in this area and they want to research the possibilities?

The photographic evidence provided by Rebecca on FB shows multiple Sasquatch perched in trees and  foot prints of the creatures she keeps seeing. She will provide other photos as she catches them and she claims to have had many sightings without her camera or phone ready to catch them.

Below are some of the images she has caught – they clearly show something large, harry, with long arms, in the trees. And there is no native animal or primate in the area and no reports of any zoos in the area at all.





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